Archived Walked past flow

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My teams backup, cover breaks, answer phones, etc all day. In fact i covered electronics while pricing in intimates the other day along with a pogtm in stationary. He also covered gs breaks.

That is way different from my store, although it does seem to be changing now mainly because we have so few sales floor people working. But all those tasks you mentioned still fall on the sales floor person first, but non-sales floor team members do seem more willing to help than before.

I've asked some people what the specialty teams are supposed to do in regards to helping out the team and most have said they aren't supposed to do anything except their one main task -- even if they are really close to a call button that goes off they shouldn't answer it; they should just keep doing the one main task and let a sales floor person get it -- and I find that part frustrating. If you are right there it would be nice if you could help, but if you've been told not to by an LOD then I understand why you wouldn't (but still annoying when it happens).

I had to do pricing for a week when someone was sick and I asked a couple LODs and other pricing team members what I was supposed to do regarding regular sales floors assistance and the answer varied a bit from person to person, but it was basically focus on pricing until a guest is physically in front of you asking for help.
I work pog and if I'm near a call button I'll fast walk to basically running to clear it. I was in the BR and heard electronics call button and since I was in an aisle near the boat, I ran to clear it and just told the guest the electronics team member is on their way. It's mutually beneficial for me, the guest, and the electronics TM because I can go straight back to what I was doing which was pulling pogs. I know clearing call buttons are a heavily emphasized metric this year so I do my part when possible. I won't however cover electronics breaks unless we are setting there which we did months ago. I've seen flow TM's near electronics and don't even clear the guest assistance. Morale on flow has tanked at my store. Many people leaving or being put on CA to force them out. They have an incentive to work slow too, because they want bigger pay checks. 24-30 hour pay check compared to my 60-80 hour pay check takes a psychological toll on people and I don't blame them. You can see it on their emotionally numb expression shuffling around with their heads down. It's sad and disturbing really. It causes work related depression in my honest opinion.
I'm just tired of people shitting on flow when it's them that keeps the process running.

Your store would close down without the flow team and while they often overpush bulk items in the wrong spot. It's usually the case that the emtpy item is out. Items don't sell from the back. This is what a lot of Etl log and flow tms stress. If you have four towels and an empty spot for that towel, push it all. No guess is going to see one extra towel and decid to leave.
Flow does not keep the process running. They are a part of the process, but they do not keep it running. Get over yourself.
The inky other team at my store who helps with call buttons, phone calls, or even guests is instocks. Pog and pricing will help with guests sometimes, but more often than not they'll call over the walkie for someone to help a guest when they're in the same isle as them. They never do backup, nor are they ever questioned to do backup. Instocks will be up there for thirty to fourty minutes sometimes. Everyone on my instocks team is trained in almost every area of the store, because everyone assumes we are a team with the sole purpose to help other teams... Makes me upset at times... Until hours are cut and we can pick up shifts in any area or are scheduled for shifts in other areas.
Also I feel like salesfloor people should try out flow, and vice versa at least once or twice. Just so they know. I always here salesfloor complaining about flow and flow complaining about salesfloor. When really some times its both their faults.
I wish the TL's from each team would have to do a stint on the others...not just a couple of hours, but a week or two. Then they'd be able to see how the work their team does affects the other teams and how well the store works and more effectively train and coach their own team's tms.
Everyone on my instocks team is trained in almost every area of the store, because everyone assumes we are a team with the sole purpose to help other teams...
So true Instockout. I'm the only Instock person scheduled most days and the days someone else is scheduled (not a trained Instocks person just another TM who was quickly shown how to do RIGs) they aren't in until past 11. Meanwhile, I am also considered the sales floor person who can take the phone calls, call buttons, and go for backup. Plano and soft lines are supposed to help but if I don't answer immediately for backup, the GSTL/GSA has to call three or four times before any other TM responds. Pricing is the only team that gets out of backing up and answering phones and call buttons because they are so under staffed and are usually behind on their workload. As long as the RIGs are done, my store doesn't care about research. No matter how much I say it, they don't believe me when I say RIGs don't keep the sales floor filled, Research does.
So true Instockout. I'm the only Instock person scheduled most days and the days someone else is scheduled (not a trained Instocks person just another TM who was quickly shown how to do RIGs) they aren't in until past 11. Meanwhile, I am also considered the sales floor person who can take the phone calls, call buttons, and go for backup. Plano and soft lines are supposed to help but if I don't answer immediately for backup, the GSTL/GSA has to call three or four times before any other TM responds. Pricing is the only team that gets out of backing up and answering phones and call buttons because they are so under staffed and are usually behind on their workload. As long as the RIGs are done, my store doesn't care about research. No matter how much I say it, they don't believe me when I say RIGs don't keep the sales floor filled, Research does.
im lucky enough that we recently got an etl log who actually realizes how important instocks can be. we don't help out other teams as much as we used too and actually have gotten on tract with shooting research alongside rigs.
I'd love seeing any ETL including the STL and any random team member look at a 24 ft pog and tell them, set it. I think only the people on our pog team are actually 'trained' in pog. It sucks because I can't take a week off unless its planned out on a specific week because the process would fall apart if a key person is out for a week
I'd love seeing any ETL including the STL and any random team member look at a 24 ft pog and tell them, set it. I think only the people on our pog team are actually 'trained' in pog. It sucks because I can't take a week off unless its planned out on a specific week because the process would fall apart if a key person is out for a week
two of us on instocks, myself included, are trained on pog. i've set quite a few isles. the only difference from when i do it and when pog does it, is i research the isle and change capacities when im done...
two of us on instocks, myself included, are trained on pog. i've set quite a few isles. the only difference from when i do it and when pog does it, is i research the isle and change capacities when im done...
I'm the only one who does it. I told my tl about it way back and didn't care. Then one day she's all like guys we will have a group visit and on hand counts and capacity is a prime factor of the walk. Looool. We are an 8 PDA allocated store. Pfresh three truck days 6 am process
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I'd love seeing any ETL including the STL and any random team member look at a 24 ft pog and tell them, set it. I think only the people on our pog team are actually 'trained' in pog. It sucks because I can't take a week off unless its planned out on a specific week because the process would fall apart if a key person is out for a week

As the Signing Ninja I could set a pog (and often had to reset them because the plano team didn't set them right to fit the signs.
"Yes, you have to read the set notes that say put the pegs down four notches cause the sign is bigger, dammit!"

And why the flow team decides to stack the towels over the signs, ot the bins (like in @Bosch 's picture) over the all the signing) I don't frelling know.
Spot pays a small fortune for all that signing, so the solution is knock it down or cover it up.

Yeah, I know.
One person don't mean a damn in the store but you try hanging those Christmas signs by yourself sometime.
When you are a crew of one, day in and day out, with your hours cut constantly, put in charge of what has to be the most dangerous room in the building (let's go get killed in the fixture room) getting just about zilch recognition we can talk.
Equipment login sheet is your friend. Enforce it on the team.

They have the equipment locked up now and certain areas get certain ones and everything has to be signed in and out. Sucks we have to wait for someone to unlock it but stuff hasn't gone missing since. I found 3 my devices while breaking down boxes one day.
They have the equipment locked up now and certain areas get certain ones and everything has to be signed in and out. Sucks we have to wait for someone to unlock it but stuff hasn't gone missing since. I found 3 my devices while breaking down boxes one day.
Ours is locked up, but none of it is earmarked for any specific team. By the time the store opens (often before) all are taken. I laugh when I hear the LOD calling for mydevices. The flow team has them, has used up the battery, and they don't have walkies to hear the call to give them up.
Ours is locked up, but none of it is earmarked for any specific team. By the time the store opens (often before) all are taken. I laugh when I hear the LOD calling for mydevices. The flow team has them, has used up the battery, and they don't have walkies to hear the call to give them up.
Luckily I've worked flow a lot and am semi friendly with a lot of them, so I just go searching for some and usually get results.
Our Flow TL/ETL Log are amazing. We come clean on 95% of our trucks, and rarely do we get help from other teams. The only times we do, is because we only have 15 people on a good day, and if it's over 2300 or so, and we have a C&S truck too, SF will do Pets and Chemicals and Bullseye's Playground. Otherwise, we do everything ourselves. Flow TL/BRTL/ETL Log are always watching for those not doing their share, and trust me, there are rewards for those who do (ie more hours, crosstraining in other workcenters) and those who don't usually get sent home before the rest of the team or don't work every truck day.

We are regularly helping flow, and they still rarely come clean.
I've made this thread before and was met with the same mixed responses. I would say, as with anything else, whether or not flow team sucks depends on your store. Some flow teams out there are great, some don't do shit. I know at my old store, flow team got treated like mommy's special little snowflakes who could do no wrong, so a lot of the things they were supposed to be getting done weren't getting done. They were often allowed overtime too while my cashiers were getting pulled into the office if they had a single minute of OT on the check. It's frustrating and it makes the rest of the store think low of that particular team, as well as our logistics ETL and STL who allowed it to happen.
Luckily I've worked flow a lot and am semi friendly with a lot of them, so I just go searching for some and usually get results.
When someone asks for a walkie for salesfloor our flow TL just says 'take one from anyone on flow' lol. But when our team (pog) sees our flow/br TL heading towards us, we know one of us is losing a MyDevice hahah
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