Archived Zebra issues

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Jul 26, 2012
I looked and didn’t really see what I was looking for. Has anyone else been having issues with the zebras lately. Seems just like the iPods, they worked great at first and now are having issues. We have devices that won’t turn on at all, Devices that won’t connect to the network, and most recently...devices that the scanner quits working.

CSC isn’t really any help. Occasionally they can get it to connect if it’s a network issue- Most of the time they tell us to send them out. Ones that don’t turn on - get sent out. I haven’t called in the scanner issue yet. Most team members just keep rebooting them.

Just frustrating that we are getting back to team members fighting over equipment because so many are not working or have been sent out.
with the scanner a reboot sometimes fixes it. network error resetting wifi in troubleshooting helps. also reset pincode helps if the device uses 0000 instead of store number
They would quit scanning and I would have to reboot. Annoyin AF then the ETL thinks we're playing around and wasting time. I think the zebras are going to go down the same trail as the ipods/myDevice.
Scanners usually go down for us too. Just reboot it. As others have said. Try taking the case off over the power button & try turning it on.
Another way to fix the connection issues is to go into the airagent app and click on profiles, select the stores wifi and hold down until it gives an option to re-initiate. Saves quite a bit of time.
The mycheckout devices have been even worse than normal lately. Kept crashing yesterday and it took almost 20 minutes to complete the transaction.
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I love when I slip it in my front pocket (face down face up - no matter) and 1/6 dozen windows open that I've gotta clear.

Sometimes they appear for no reason at all. WTF???
I've found that if you go to the MLM (?) button to check sales figures, it won't let you go back to the item scan button. You have to click out of every open tab and start over. And I'm not sure what the value is of the item scan option on the MLM doesn't show location, just sales history info.
It seems that many of them quit scanning if you toggle to a different function like Audit, price change or We are re booting them but it’s getting ridiculous how many times we have to reboot.

I learned how to reconnect to the network by doing the profiles, wi fi thing awhile ago. That works if it even shows tcwireless. There are times it doesn’t even show any connection to that or DGE.

The ones that don’t turn on we have tried taking the case off. Occasionally you can get it to come on but if it goes to the black screen of death again you are screwed. I think we have 5 sent out already. I was just curious if everyone else was having issues. I think it’s funny how everyone complained about the iPods and said apple is crap. Well here we go with another device and starting to have the same issues. They just can’t survive the amount of workload we use them for. Lol.
I've found that if you go to the MLM (?) button to check sales figures, it won't let you go back to the item scan button. You have to click out of every open tab and start over. And I'm not sure what the value is of the item scan option on the MLM doesn't show location, just sales history info.

It's the newly updated MPM2 that's causing the most recent scanner issues. It's awesome that you could scan an item in MPM2 to see the same exact damn sales results as going into My Statistics, but if you open the new version it will 100% stop your scanner from working until you close all apps and re-open them or just reboot the device entirely.

The MPM2 app on my phone is great now that touch id is enabled but it sure did fuck up the zebras.
Where was this thread when I needed it earlier :eek: both mydevices at guest service had a “Wrong Network” error and I could not for the life of me figure out how to fix it
Where was this thread when I needed it earlier :eek: both mydevices at guest service had a “Wrong Network” error and I could not for the life of me figure out how to fix it
Want to add that doing reset WiFi only works if you're currently on a network. It's mainly for if you're stuck on DGE.

The true way to fix is,
AirWatch Agent
Tap and hold on TCWireless V2 and reapply.

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