Archived ETL-IT

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Nov 6, 2015
Hello everyone! Very excited to start at Target on 11/16/15 as an ETL-IT, I've been told I'll go into an HR role which is what my previous experience and degree are in. Any advice? Any pointers?
Ohhhhhhh ETL in training. I've mostly seen it written as EIT instead of ETL-IT.
I was an external hire, spent 8 years with Blockbuster Video as a Store Manager, District Manager and District Training Manager. Spent the last five years as a Front of House Manager at Red Lobster. Just received my B.S. in Business; HR Management from Indiana University.
It's EIT-"insert role" For exec in training. Now STLs in training are STL-IT, which I guess looks better than SIT haha

Welcome to the team! I'm an EIT-HR. I hope your onboarding and training goes well. This is a great place to learn too!
I'm really excited! I've been browsing around the forums trying to understand the relationships between the different positions like a TL and TM.
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