Archived How much SHOULD each work center make?

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The problem with everyone's argument that we need higher wages is that we are going to pay for it somewhere else like higher costs of goods, less perks, less employees, etc. Unless Target fundamentally changes the way it does business, a la Costco, the only way to increase wages is to place the onus on consumers to pay more. These consumers may just decide to go elsewhere if prices increase.

Well I think the point of this thread was "which work centers deserve more than they get." Most of these post aren't demanding that Target raise their minimum wage to 15 an hour, there are a few. I think we all see that isn't realistic considering some of us would kill for 13 an hour and some of us would be insulted by it or get a pay cut.

I definitely don't want to get into a political discussion but living in a state with a high minimum wage. It does not cause people to stop shopping. Higher wages cause all businesses to raise their wages to compete. People don't compare Target/Fred Meyer prices to prices at stores in a different state, they compare them to the ones nearby.

If you have a strong local economy, people are willing to pay slightly higher prices because that is the norm for that area.
So, those of you suggesting the problem is that Target doesn't pay enough, come up with a viable solution on where Target gets the money to pay its employees more.

I bet you a lot of people think the solution is to criticize the CEO for being wealthy, but I did the math once for another thread here. I forget what exactly, but even if you took $5 million dollars from our CEO, and devide it amongst all Target employees, I think it equated to less than $20 extra dollars a year per person. It was so incredibly miniscule, but I guess the average person knows nothing about economics and buisness. I think everyone can agree there is a problem, just no one can agree how to fix it.
I definitely don't want to get into a political discussion but living in a state with a high minimum wage. It does not cause people to stop shopping. Higher wages cause all businesses to raise their wages to compete. People don't compare Target/Fred Meyer prices to prices at stores in a different state, they compare them to the ones nearby.
Higher state minimum wages are instated for a variety of reasons, most notably due to the fact that the cost of living is so high. State minimum wages aren't increased just as a favor to its citizens, they are increased out of necessity because people literally cannot survive working in numerous industries on the national minimum.
Higher state minimum wages are instated for a variety of reasons, most notably due to the fact that the cost of living is so high. State minimum wages aren't increased just as a favor to its citizens, they are increased out of necessity because people literally cannot survive working in numerous industries on the national minimum.

But that's what has changed. State minimum wages don't account for big cities. My state has a minimum wage under 10 dollars but Target has a base pay of 14 in my area because that's what it takes to compete for employees.
This is your opinion. I would like to know how Target decides which workcenters are a higher paygrade. If you've only ever worked in the backroom you have no idea what any other workcenter does. POG, Instocks, and Price change teams pull, backstock, and work pulls in addition to other tasks required by their workcenters. Grocery teams have to do orders, unload their trucks, push their stock, backstock, pull, etc. Who does the most work? Opinion. There are team members that can pull chemicals, diapers, and BPLS twice as fast and more accurately than some. There are flow team members that can blow through cosmetics and others that can make it an all day project. This is just your opinion.
It's not my opinion. It's fact. Our backroom pulls everything from cafs to sfs. We receive items after receiving leaves. We backstock Plano's bullshit and markets. All while trying to met flex times, cafs, and pulling price change and setting the line

Normal BRTM TMs deal with more numbers and reports than any other normal work center and their pay should be reflected as such
It's not my opinion. It's fact. Our backroom pulls everything from cafs to sfs. We receive items after receiving leaves. We backstock Plano's bullshit and markets. All while trying to met flex times, cafs, and pulling price change and setting the line

Normal BRTM TMs deal with more numbers and reports than any other normal work center and their pay should be reflected as such

I don't disagree that you may carry the load at your store but it sounds to me like that has more to do with poor leadership at your store (plano not backstocking their own stuff) than the job description of a backroom team member not being reasonable and deserving more pay.

Again backroom is a tough job but to act like it is the hardest in the store when again you get to completely avoid guest, I don't know that everyone is going to agree with you.
Based on???

how hard their job is, and the pressure they are under each day to get the store filled by 8am when they open. flow does more stocking, and pushing than any other team. ive been on that trailer unloading the boxes its not easy and it is tiring! like you seriously have to unload the entire trailer regardless of size in an hour or less! 1 TM has to unload, pick up and place on the line making sure the shipping label is face up, 2200+ pieces? and you think they should be paid less? and its flow team that helps the other teams when they need help or support there is no one there to help flow whther you a 10pm or 4am flow team. shit! 6am gets no help either and there are other teams in the store! so yeah imho flow deserves a bit more!

People who are in the same position as you, at the same store as you are not making more than you unless you did terrible in your reviews and they did well.

n-no, the issue was/is when they did the pay increases because my raise put me over that new pay rate i didnt get a bump up and they did. and also both flow TLs i worked under hod it out for me. the first one hated when i was scheduled for other teams, and would try to pull me off those teams to do their work, and when i would explain that i couldnt because i was POG/BR/consumables, and had my tasks, soon no TL would take me, they liked ME and loved having ME, but sadly they didnt want to deal with the conflict the flow TL would create. so i was trapped on flow for awhile. current flow TL, flow at my store handled the push for the FDC orders. at the store where the flow TL came from market did. they reFUSED! to accept they were held accountable for that task and while the ETL said i was incharge of that, and was to have 2 TMs with me, the flow TL felt that wasnt fair to him. and made it unfair to me, leaving me alone to do the FDC order ALONE every truck for 2 months. hotline was called. got my best raise ever after that and flow TL kisses my ass now. but im still glad im not their TM. so many quit because of him.

what did all that have to do with my raises? while it was never said to my face it was made know it was held against me that i worked in other work centers, and the first flow TL DID make it known they felt i wasnt loyal to them and THAT person wrote my review. so ....
I'd love to hear what numbers and reports you claim make you more important that just another TM:rolleyes:
Those flex numbers that make sure the ETL-LOG gets his bonus so he doesn't fire us.

We're number one in the district on LOG numbers zero thanks to shit sftms and front tms that make our jobs hard like dropping a bunch of checklane batteries and then bringing back a bunch of backstock
I don't disagree that you may carry the load at your store but it sounds to me like that has more to do with poor leadership at your store (plano not backstocking their own stuff) than the job description of a backroom team member not being reasonable and deserving more pay.

Again backroom is a tough job but to act like it is the hardest in the store when again you get to completely avoid guest, I don't know that everyone is going to agree with you.
We don't avoid guest. When it was 4Q half our time was spent of pulling flexs and grabbing get for guest for the front end. You guys way overestimate guest. Some are stupid but walking a guest to a section or listening to them tell me the site said we have something we really don't isn't harder than pulling 5 hour cafs in 2, pulling giant grills off the steel, making a bale and taking it out in the freezing cold or throwing 200+ boxes to UPS as they pick up the sfs
$16 for a GSA or to work in HR! It would almost be worth it to go back to the store for that much
Those flex numbers that make sure the ETL-LOG gets his bonus so he doesn't fire us.

We're number one in the district on LOG numbers zero thanks to shit sftms and front tms that make our jobs hard like dropping a bunch of checklane batteries and then bringing back a bunch of backstock
None of what you just said addresses your claim that backroom TMs need to make more because of some important numbers and reports you look at.

You'll have a tough time describing these hypothetical reports and numbers because they just don't exist.
None of what you just said addresses your claim that backroom TMs need to make more because of some important numbers and reports you look at.

You'll have a tough time describing these hypothetical reports and numbers because they just don't exist.
I mean... Go to my performance and you'll see six to eight reports and metrics backroom/instocks gets judged on.
I actually think there are more than that. It'll also tell you what you're ranked in region/district
None of what you just said addresses your claim that backroom TMs need to make more because of some important numbers and reports you look at.

You'll have a tough time describing these hypothetical reports and numbers because they just don't exist.
What? CAF report, flex report, audits, item merge reports, backroom location accuracy.

Go on workbench and you'll find a ton of backroom metrics that involves the backroy
What? CAF report, flex report, audits, item merge reports, backroom location accuracy.

Go on workbench and you'll find a ton of backroom metrics that involves the backroy

The backroom makes a paygrade or 2 above the minimum because the backroom is required to use equipment (stacker, wave, baler, etc.) that normal TMs don't need to use. The reports you list add nothing of value to the job you're expected to do. Adequate performance will cause every one of those numbers to be green.
ITT: [insert poster's workcenter] should make more because of [reasons]
Also ITT: No one should make more because of [economics]

I just don't think minimum wage should equate maximum effort. I've had a multitude of jobs in a variety of fields (getting stir crazy and needing a change after a few years), and I've never worked as hard for so little as I have with Target, and only get shit on by guests/TMs/leadership at every opportunity. Beggars and choosers, etc.
I think that HR is way over paid. I have always thought that HR is unneeded and a waste of payroll. I don't understand why anyone would want the GSA job. Why do team lead work without the pay.
Starting pay should be higher than it is. Target has this great high end image that they have done nothing to earn.
I don't think HR tms are overpaid. Nor do I think they are a waste of payroll. I couldn't imagine the mess my store would be in without our HR tm. Now if we want to talk about a waste of payroll....lets talks about most HR ETLS.....9 times out of 10 the HR tm is carrying most of the load anyways. Cut the HR etl position and give the HR tms a nice raise.
how hard their job is, and the pressure they are under each day to get the store filled by 8am when they open. flow does more stocking, and pushing than any other team

Of course they do, it's their job!!

Now I will speak for my store which is overnight but our flow team gets shift differential so they make 15.50 an hour.

They never deal with a single guest.

They can listen to music while they work.

They can wear jeans

Yes the truck unload socks but while they push stuff to aisles they have little oversight as far as putting stuff in the right place despite not being interrupted by guest like the rest of the team with cafs.
n-no, the issue was/is when they did the pay increases because my raise put me over that new pay rate i didnt get a bump up and they did. and

Doesn't add up. Let's say base pay is 11 dollars and you are at 11.50 if they raise base to 11.50 they are going to be at 11.50 and so will you. The only way they are going over that is if they got a merit based raise and you did not.
The backroom makes a paygrade or 2 above the minimum because the backroom is required to use equipment (stacker, wave, baler, etc.) that normal TMs don't need to use. The reports you list add nothing of value to the job you're expected to do. Adequate performance will cause every one of those numbers to be green.
Adequate performance means still doing more work than that other work center
Those flex numbers that make sure the ETL-LOG gets his bonus so he doesn't fire us.

We're number one in the district on LOG numbers zero thanks to shit sftms and front tms that make our jobs hard like dropping a bunch of checklane batteries and then bringing back a bunch of backstock

Its the people who think they or their team carry their store that never really get anywhere.

In my last job, when I interviewed folks who bragged about how much they had to cover for other people, I saw it as a huge red flag that they thought too highly of themselves
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