Archived Do you take pride in your work?

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I use to, but very recently I became aware that taking pride in my work means nothing. I work flow electronics and with e2e the DTL told the ETLs and the main electronic's floor member that nothing should be backstocked for electronics that is not cellphones, batteries, giftcards, or really bulky items. On top of this, electronics revision is happening this week and they are already planning on flexing. I can not stock correctly if my area is not stocked correctly and we will soon be expected to zone before we stock?! Whatever. It just means I either dump my backstock on that team member or go just short of milking the clock and destroy payroll trying to figure out where things go.
Sometimes. Some days I feel like I'm too easily replaceable to feel proud of anything I've done. I'm productive and doing good work. Other days I feel like I've done exceptionally well, maybe I did something faster, maybe I successfully figured out how to do a new task or to work with a new process or something that I think sets me apart. Those days I feel proud about the work. Like one day a TL asked me to zone belts and everyone was like "zomg it took two people 3 hours to do it. She'll be there all day!" and I wasn't... So that day I felt like I did some good.
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