
  1. beachypeachy

    Archived price challeges

    soo.. im a new cashier and im a little confused as to what I should do when an item I ring up's price is questioned by a guest... for example something rings up as 15 and the guest says "I thought that was 10" something like that... do I change it and put the reason as guest price challenge? it...
  2. doxiemama

    Archived Do you carry.....?

    My favorite is the guest who calls in and says "Do you carry __________?" No, we don't. Are you sure? Yes, I am sure. Could you check for me anyway? <Checks My Device> Nope, we don't carry it. Could you ask your manager? I could, but honestly - we don't carry it. What's your name? I'm coming...
  3. NPC

    Archived When were YOU rude?

    There are a few topics already about annoying guests and team members that we all wish would go play in traffic. But nothing about when we ourselves make mistakes. Can you recall a time where you were probably out of line with a guest? Maybe a time you were actually the one being a complete...
  4. TallAPGuy


    I've dealt with many weird people, and I've dealt with plenty of tweakers. I've even (at a previous job) ridden with a cop to drop someone off at the psychiatric hospital (did you know that How to train your dragon is the preeminent source of Norse and dragon lore?) But today's lady takes the...
  5. iVibe

    Archived cashier problems

    Post your comments about issues you've had with guests while either cashiering or back up cashiering. I swear it's becoming one of the most disliked and looked down upon position in most stores.
  6. NitroKing2110

    The Things Guests Do/Pet Peeves Thread

    This is the thread I thought I'd make where we can all rant about our pet peeves! Here's mine: Guests that ignore what I say because it's not the answer they want Guests that put an item less than a foot away from where it belongs Guests that sit on their phones while their children wreak utter...
  7. A

    Archived Guest stereotypes

    What names have you come up with for the different guest stereotypes? I have The Curmudgeon, The TMI, The High Maintenance, The Creeper, The Slob, and The Conspiracy Theorist. Here is a silly little quiz to go along with it!
  8. O

    Archived Guests Say the Darndest Things...

    We've all had those experiences where a guest will say or do something that really makes you wonder if you're not part of some prank, a joke, an impromptu skit, or if you've finally lost your mind and are hallucinating the whole thing. Sometimes they make you laugh, sometimes you want to cry...
  9. G

    Archived Will It Fit In My Car?

    Had a lady frantically calling me over to seasonal today. When I got there she had 2 patio sling chairs by her cart and she asked me "will these 2 chairs fit in my car?" At 1st I thought maybe she thought she knew me and I knew what type of car she drove. So after presenting her with a puzzled...
  10. S

    Archived creepy guests

    I was just wondering if things like my lovely list below happen to anyone else or is it just my luck with the guests that walk into my store? One thing is for sure I’m super glad that we have a military guy for one AP and one very intimidating looking one and the third consistently checks up...
  11. pellinore

    Archived Items that guests ask for

    I really miss the thread we had from before where TMs could share things that guests ask for. I don't know what forum this should go under, so perhaps you can put it in the right forum for me.
  12. B

    Archived Gross Stories

    Its Back :D :D :D :D
  13. V

    Archived I hate it when...

    Just another thread to complain about the things guests do! ------ I hate it when I have a line of people at Food Ave, only 4 pizzas, and the guest in front gets them all. Good for sales, but bad because all of the other people in the line usually want pizza as well and they have to wait...
  14. Hardlinesmaster

    To that one guest

    Guests first To that one guest: You know them all & drive us crazy!