So I got a shitty review last year that was never given to me. I feel it wasn't given to me because of that very reason and it was probably hard for my TL to give. I also never signed on this review because I wanted it to get redone. I never said anything because I was giving my team lead and LOD a chance to step up and give me this shitty review. The review is still sitting in workday not signed. Sure I shouldn't have waited a whole year, and sure maybe it's too late for this review to be changed and for me to get a tiny bit more money from a better one if it was, but what do you guys think I should at this point? Talk to HR about it? To give a little more context my attendance was shit, I admit it, but if I'm not mistaken (I was a TL before) we get graded on multiple things like Guest Service, Task completion, Teamwork, with attendance being just one of those things I failed at. They gave me ION's for everything which isn't fair if it was just my attendance that deserved the ION. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they changed it. I feel they were really upset with my me and my attendance they said "fuck this guy" and gave me ION's for everything. Any thoughts?