Archived Crazy Clearance Lady

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So the other day, I got called to a checklane and this guest was a real gem.

It was an elderly lady, and she was purchasing a bunch of bath towels that were on clearance. She said that some of the items weren't ringing up clearance and INSISTED that they were all on the same clearance shelf so they MUST be clearance. Anyways, I check the items (hand towels), and sure enough they ARE ticketed as 30% clearance for $6 something. I scan them in item search and verify that they are on clearance for a $6.x sell price. I try explaining to her that the price ringing up is actually correct, but she insists that it is 30% off of $6.xx.... After telling her repeatedly that the listed price is AFTER clearance savings, she eventually just says "FINE THEN. I don't want ANY of it" (she was going to buy the bath towels that she thought were a better deal), and stormed off. I think she expected me to just make the price lower for her anyways 😉 Silly old lady.

Anyone else run into any interesting clearance stories ? 😀
I had a guest today who thought she could be clever and put clearance tickets on cat food. Yes some of them were indeed clearance and I knew which ones they were so she thought she could be clever and put them on higher priced cat food. Stupid lady.......
When I was cashier, had this happen atleast once a shift.
Especially with the books that have the 30% of cover price. Everyone always thinks that means another 30% off but the discount has already been put into effect.
I don't have to deal with this issue very often but the one that seems to drive my TM's insane is the people who call up and want something they saw on clearance yesterday put on hold.
I have had folks pull me over to ask the "do you have anymore in the back?" for clearance then demand that I check when I tell them it's all out.
I had a couple that bought a (I think it was) heater or fan (it was a while back so can't quite remember). It was on clearance for $34. The husband insisted that the sign said we would take another 30% off at the register. I told him that it's 30 off the original price and his wife even agreed with me (that surprised me). He still wasn't convinced but they took it anyway.
I used to have Clearance Crazies all the time.

"The price isn't right, its supposed to be 30% off the ticketed priced."
- Didn't you see the clearance sign...its 30% off the original price....not the clearance price.

"Can hold these items for me...I will pick them up tomorrow."
- I am sorry...we can not hold clearance items

"I am found this item in another store on clearance at another store...why isn't it here"
- Clearance items run differently at different stores.

"What do you mean I am only going to get refunded $.24! I paid $20 for it."
- It looks like the item went clearance...and since you have no receipt, we can only go by the lowest marked price which is $.24

-Ma'am I am sorry but just because you found it on a clearance shelf by itself doesn't mean its running on clearance.

-I am sorry but the display TVs on clearance are already adjusted for being a display model we don't give extra discounts off the ticketed price.
Guest: Why is the green one clearance but not the red one?
Me: That's the color that didn't sell.
Guest: But, why?
Me: Have you really looked at this shade of green....?
At least you're able to say no. My GSTL's and everyone at my store would have said "Give it to her" It drives me nuts. I want to say no but I know they will ask for a "Higher up" and then I'd get coached "why didn't you give it to her"

My store frustrates me. 🙁
I just put my foot down when its against policy, and if they have a problem with it, I let a GSTL/LOD make the override. I asked my superiors, and they just said make your best judgement on the situation, and if they don't like it, call one of us up. So far they haven't coached me on "why didn't you do this", but its usually them just saying "We made an exception for them this ONE time, but told them they need to do _____ in the future". If I feel like an exception needs to be made, I sometimes do; however I find more often than not guests can be extremely rude/etc. and I usually just deny them if its clearly against policy.

Today I had a lady who insisted that we price match a "buy one get one" from a competitor's ad, and she wouldn't take NO for an answer when I told her we can't price match buy one get ones, but only PRICE POINTS. Some of the items had price points but were higher than the list price for the items she wanted to match. To top it off, she didn't have the items WITH her, so there was no way to verify size + type. I was kinda =/ when my LOD went ahead and let her do it anyways; he said it was only $5-6 and his salary is worth more, so he made a one time exception for her. I just think sometimes you have to put your foot down (it was clearly against policy too), and this was some HORRIBLY STINKY old lady who was incredibly RUDE, and to top it off she was using food stamps. Just because you're poor doesn't mean you can do whatever you want.
We had a bunch of Burt's Bees lip stuff on clearance and it was all marked $2.08. Got to the register and it rang up $1.48. Had a couple $1 off coupons so I ended up getting it for $.35. Of course, when I went to buy more, there was 1 it home and it wasn't the "Acai Berry" as the box indicated, it was the Honey and IT HAD BEEN USED!!! Obviously, someone bought the honey, didn't like it and decided to "swap". I was NOT happy!
I want to reply specifically to you, BuliSBI, because it appears your final statement is incorrect policy. I have read in the best practice manuals, and asked various high levels of management (STL and DTL), and it states you can give an additional 10% off a display model. I only bring it up because even my Electronics Champion News mentioned a push for this a little while ago to get rid of TV's before they go salvage. Salvaging a TV is far worse than giving 10% off of it, and if your store managers disagree on this point I will make an effort to locate an exact quotation IN the electronics guide. If you haven't already, confirm with the STL, and if he disagrees I'll get you that quote.

Edit: Also, as an afterthought, the official policy (as of I think last year) was that you could give up to /30%/ off displays. This is obviously no longer current (wouldn't that be wonderful?)
I want to reply specifically to you, BuliSBI, because it appears your final statement is incorrect policy. I have read in the best practice manuals, and asked various high levels of management (STL and DTL), and it states you can give an additional 10% off a display model. I only bring it up because even my Electronics Champion News mentioned a push for this a little while ago to get rid of TV's before they go salvage. Salvaging a TV is far worse than giving 10% off of it, and if your store managers disagree on this point I will make an effort to locate an exact quotation IN the electronics guide. If you haven't already, confirm with the STL, and if he disagrees I'll get you that quote.

Edit: Also, as an afterthought, the official policy (as of I think last year) was that you could give up to /30%/ off displays. This is obviously no longer current (wouldn't that be wonderful?)

It changed at some point. It started as 30% off displays, then recently it became 10% although some stores could still do 30% depending on their display age. 10% is official afaik.

I used to have people that would see clearance at 30% and 50% and some of the 30% would be mixed in with the 50% and they would go crazy because they wouldn't get 50% off the marked clearance price.... or the hagglers... or the people that wanted 50% off displays or they wouldn't buy them. Or the people that threatened not buying things period.
Giving an extra 30% off on displays is not correct. Those days are gone. The max is 10%, has GB said. The display is marked down already, why give more off?
Giving an extra 30% off on displays is not correct. Those days are gone. The max is 10%, has GB said. The display is marked down already, why give more off?
exactly. if it's already marked down as a display... then NO MORE MARKDOWN!
I want to reply specifically to you, BuliSBI, because it appears your final statement is incorrect policy. I have read in the best practice manuals, and asked various high levels of management (STL and DTL), and it states you can give an additional 10% off a display model. I only bring it up because even my Electronics Champion News mentioned a push for this a little while ago to get rid of TV's before they go salvage. Salvaging a TV is far worse than giving 10% off of it, and if your store managers disagree on this point I will make an effort to locate an exact quotation IN the electronics guide. If you haven't already, confirm with the STL, and if he disagrees I'll get you that quote.

Edit: Also, as an afterthought, the official policy (as of I think last year) was that you could give up to /30%/ off displays. This is obviously no longer current (wouldn't that be wonderful?)

mySupport also confirms that 10% off is the only acceptable additional discount.
30% has been gone for several months. I think that the 10% is only supposed to be given if there is damage present on the display. Many of displays do have some sort of "damage" on them, so most GSTL's and LOD's are pretty loose with the 10%.
I get plenty of people that think that they can sneak their couponing tactics by going to electronics. The most notorious are people trying to buy toothpaste on clearance. I had a lady stop by with a basket full of toothpaste... something I normally turn down, but she was buying a game for her son, and insisted she wanted everything checked out at once.

I rang everything up, and she then handed me a wad of coupons. (Here we go...) I looked at them, noticed that they expired a couple months ago. "Sorry ma'am, I can't accept these..." "WHAT! You guys normally take those! *rant rant rant* It says right on there you can accept more than one per purchase!"

"... you didn't let me finish. These are expired."

She turned extremely white, flubbed through the rest of her spiel ("Can't you just accept them anyway?") and after being denying several more times, she said "Forget it" and walked away.
We've have LOTS of coupon issues lately to the point that I wish that corp would simply do away with adjusting coupons for less.
At Walmart, they've always told me that coupons couldn't be used on items that cost less than the coupon amt.
Coupons cannot reduce price past .00

But yeah... Seems like as far as expired coupons go, I always get a sob story @ pharmacy about how they couldn't use their coupon in time before it expired, and it was OUR FAULT because pharmacy was closed or didn't have their prescription ready.... Not my problem...
Freddies has the clearance items xx% off the already lowest price. So if it was marked down to $5.69 then the 60% would be off that $5.69.
We've have LOTS of coupon issues lately to the point that I wish that corp would simply do away with adjusting coupons for less.
At Walmart, they've always told me that coupons couldn't be used on items that cost less than the coupon amt.
Same here... and getting fed up with the cheap-arse people who buy travel size ************, then try to use the $1 off coupons for said item(s).

Yeah, I know it doesn't state on the coupon about disallowing it on travel/trial size items, and yeah, we still get reimbursed but still.... the lack of morality (IMHO) some people have disgust me.

But whatever, I suppose. /eyeroll/
omg i deal with people like that all the time... and even worse people who take off the clearance tags and put them on regular items :excited:
suriously if you decide to take off a clearance tag and put it on another item at least pick something that the discription might go with the item you want to buy!
i had this lady the other day yelling at one of my cashiers because they over charged her for a clearance item. when i went over she was trying to give me attitude as well. she was trying to buy a $60 black coat and it had a clearance tag for $20, which looked force off from a different item. I told her that I'll see what i can do. so i type in the dcpi from the clearance ticket and the discription it showed was for pants. i explained that the item in fact cost $60, and that the clearance ticket was probably forced on by another guest :scout: she tryed to tell me that we should honar that price cause it wasn't her fault, but i told her that we couldn't do it. Whether she wanted to take it or leave it. When she finally saw that i wasn't going to give into her demands she decided to return the item and she left store. :yess:
omg i deal with people like that all the time... and even worse people who take off the clearance tags and put them on regular items :excited:
suriously if you decide to take off a clearance tag and put it on another item at least pick something that the discription might go with the item you want to buy!
i had this lady the other day yelling at one of my cashiers because they over charged her for a clearance item. when i went over she was trying to give me attitude as well. she was trying to buy a $60 black coat and it had a clearance tag for $20, which looked force off from a different item. I told her that I'll see what i can do. so i type in the dcpi from the clearance ticket and the discription it showed was for pants. i explained that the item in fact cost $60, and that the clearance ticket was probably forced on by another guest :scout: she tryed to tell me that we should honar that price cause it wasn't her fault, but i told her that we couldn't do it. Whether she wanted to take it or leave it. When she finally saw that i wasn't going to give into her demands she decided to return the item and she left store. :yess:

You should do what one of our former GSTLs did. He'd point out that she obviously intercepted a ticket-switcher & that this item must be turned over to AP as it is a store security issue. He'd ask pointed questions about where it was found & "Can you show my AP EXACTLY where you found it?"
Sometimes they'll leave skid marks getting out of the store.
hmmm don't know if i'd go that far... potential for getting in trouble there if they complain to a LOD.

Best to just say that the clearance ticket was put on the wrong item.
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