So the other day, I got called to a checklane and this guest was a real gem.
It was an elderly lady, and she was purchasing a bunch of bath towels that were on clearance. She said that some of the items weren't ringing up clearance and INSISTED that they were all on the same clearance shelf so they MUST be clearance. Anyways, I check the items (hand towels), and sure enough they ARE ticketed as 30% clearance for $6 something. I scan them in item search and verify that they are on clearance for a $6.x sell price. I try explaining to her that the price ringing up is actually correct, but she insists that it is 30% off of $6.xx.... After telling her repeatedly that the listed price is AFTER clearance savings, she eventually just says "FINE THEN. I don't want ANY of it" (she was going to buy the bath towels that she thought were a better deal), and stormed off. I think she expected me to just make the price lower for her anyways 😉 Silly old lady.
Anyone else run into any interesting clearance stories ? 😀
It was an elderly lady, and she was purchasing a bunch of bath towels that were on clearance. She said that some of the items weren't ringing up clearance and INSISTED that they were all on the same clearance shelf so they MUST be clearance. Anyways, I check the items (hand towels), and sure enough they ARE ticketed as 30% clearance for $6 something. I scan them in item search and verify that they are on clearance for a $6.x sell price. I try explaining to her that the price ringing up is actually correct, but she insists that it is 30% off of $6.xx.... After telling her repeatedly that the listed price is AFTER clearance savings, she eventually just says "FINE THEN. I don't want ANY of it" (she was going to buy the bath towels that she thought were a better deal), and stormed off. I think she expected me to just make the price lower for her anyways 😉 Silly old lady.
Anyone else run into any interesting clearance stories ? 😀