
  1. N

    Archived Hours that Your Store is Open

    I was just curious about what you thought of the hours that the Target store you work at is open. The store I work at is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 AM, and Saturday from 8:00 AM to 11:00 PM. I just thought it is odd that our store is open later on weekdays compared to...
  2. D

    Archived Hours hours hours...

    I could see it a mile away. *target gives raise* cuts hours. Lol What are they gonna do when they supposedly up it to $15? Keep everyone at 28 hours to keep labor cost at the same cost they do now? JOKE.
  3. L

    Archived Up-coming Interview

    I recently applied to Target for a cashier position while I was in between jobs but recently got my old part time job back. I would still like to go through the process and possibly work both jobs. I got a phone interview the other day and today they called me to set up an in-person interview...
  4. N

    Archived Reducing hours

    Hi I wasn't sure if I should make a new thread about this since I'm new to forums so I'm sorry if I haven't posted this correctly. When I applied to Target I'm not sure how many hours I said I wanted to work a week but with my schedule it seems like it was 30-35. With how my shift went...
  5. HLN13

    Archived Too many hours?

    Hi everyone, I'm a Hardlines employee. I requested 15 hours a week with a maximum of 20, but currently I'm getting almost 30 hours a week and it's a lot for me to balance with my other job and still having time for family stuff, etc. I know my store is really understaffed, but is there anything...
  6. R

    Archived How many hours a week is the minimum per week

    I want to get a second job but how many hours do I have to work at target ? Cause I just want to be like part time like one day a week
  7. B

    Archived Question on Sick time/Hour cuts

    With the recent hour cuts, mine have been cut below 32 for the first time for me in 3 years (I know I am lucky, but it is hurting). Having not called in sick for 3 years, nor used vacation time (unless I was pretty much forced to). I asked if I could use my sick time to make up for my cut hours...
  8. Cart king

    Archived Something I've noticed

    As we all know hours are non existent right now my store is to the point of not scheduling cashiers and having salesfloor be cashiers (note to spot. It doesn't work). Well the other day I was closing pfresh and with the help of the only team member in hardlines we covered electronics. Between...
  9. Rdhdstpchl

    Archived Set schedule hours?

    What is the difference between Set Schedule Hours and Plan Hours?
  10. A

    Archived Over half my store had no idea....

    So over half my store had no idea we opened at 7 the day after Christmas. Including the LOD. I worked a price change overnight and when I left 6:45 the stl was scrambling with the other etls asking where the normal Monday LOD was. Am I at a jacked up store?
  11. D

    Archived ship from store

    Does anyone know if the hours drop bad in ship from store once the holiday's are over? I was offer a position in plano was wondering which area i should go for hours.
  12. FredPanda3

    Archived Hours..... :/

    Checked the new schedule today, which I put in open availability for, hoping I'd get 40 hours like I did last year at this time, and I check and I have 24 hours. How do I go about complaining about this? Judging by the times, they probably will have me pushing z-racks in the morning and think...
  13. Delidude

    Archived Same complaint again

    I think I only come on here to rant about hours at my store. Work in the deli and there is the team lead, food assistant, 4 team members. Only getting 26 hours a week. Here's the thing 1 team member is usually in bakery, the food assistant works Starbucks/Produce, another is new. So we have the...
  14. B

    Archived 48 Hours

    I was told working 48 hours this week is allowed because we already receive time and a half for our Thanksgiving shift. In a legal sense, the hours that will wind up at 150% pay have to be the ones beyond 40, those I work Friday or Saturday. Does this mean I am working Thanksgiving at straight pay?
  15. Bullseyerc

    Archived Hours..

    How many hours did you guys get for the two week (11/27-12/03) schedule? And in what department?
  16. eightrats

    Archived Reduced working hours .. the next two weeks

    last night I check my schedule for the next 2 weeks and I'm scheduled next to nothing (less than 15) and infact I work on the sales floor and the 2nd week they have me as a cashier for 2 days... should I just quit or talk to HR?
  17. M

    Archived When do we usually get more hours?

    I thought starting in november we were supposed to have more hrs but I just got my schedule and the week before thanksgiving I only have 6 hours for Softlines :( or is it during the week of thanksgiving that we start getting more shifts?
  18. J

    Archived Where are the cut in hours?

    I keep reading threads with posts saying they are cutting hours? When are they going to cut hours? I have been hoping to receive less hours.
  19. S

    Archived Market Training?

    Im currently a cashier. My store is low on market tms and they keep asking for me to train over there. I need more hours cause Im down to one shift a week (absolute bs when my GSTLs call me their most valuable cashier....) Is Market a good section to work at? What all would I have to worry...
  20. CsideMaster

    Archived How to go about telling them I don't want to do something?

    So I've been at Target for about a year now as an overnight stock team member. I get along with my TL's and ETL, I'm pretty sure they like me, I stay late when asked etc. Anyway, my ETL comes up to me the other day and said they're gonna put me on presentation. It kind of caught me off guard so...